Basic Ozone Training course

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There are a few basics to understanding ozone. Take a couple of minutes to understand this subtle force of nature than can be used to improve our lives.

  1. Ozone is part of nature. When sunlight intersects with normal oxygen (O2), the molecules break apart and reform as O3 (three oxygen atoms) when the third atom is loose and drops off to attack organic threats.

  2. The singular power of ozone is its ability to “Oxidize” what it touches. Like oxygen turns iron to rust (iron oxide), ozone oxidizes many elements. An oxide is usually neutralized and no longer a problem.

  3. Ozone (O3) reverts back to normal O2 oxygen in about 20-30 minutes. There is no residue after the treatment. The ozone smell may last for 12-24 hours.

  4. There are other oxidative treatments that mimic ozone. These can be in liquid form and may be applied by sprays and fogging.

  5. Ozone is a respiratory irritant at elevated levels. Normal protective equipment is a carbon filter mask and googles.

  6. The basic and constant rule for ozone treatments is people and pets must be our of the treatment areas until the normal air is restored.

  7. Ozone will kill germs (viruses and bacteria) by literally burning the outer membrane in an oxidative method causing the pathogen to die.

  8. According to the National Ozone Association, no ozone treatment should last for more than eight hours. Most treatments are 1-4 hours in duration.

We encourage every person offering ozone services to take the training and certification program, Certified Ozone Technician, offered at the website.