Certification by the National Oxidative Association gives confidence to your customers that your ozone generator has been reviewed, tested, and approved as a high-quality and professional product.
The National Oxidative Association does not sell, endorse, or warranty any products or equipment. The Approved Ozone Generator logo may be displayed by a manufacturer or vendor during the year(s) of annual review and update. The NOAI review process is an unbiased and reliable review of products or equipment according to nominal expectations for those products or equipment. The fee is $1500 which is refundable if no approval is possible. Application is below and requires a $500 initial deposit. All approvals come with a full research report, use of logo, and includes a listing on the NOAI website and the use of the NOAI logo on your website and equipment for your company’s period of renewal. The use of our logo by non-participants is subject to liquidated damages of $1000 per incident.