Chlorine Dioxide Technician

Basic Ozone Course

There is no other bona fide Chlorine Dioxide course that comes anywhere near the value of this powerful training course. 100% online with text and certification. NOAI has twenty years of experience and is the most respected oxidative training organization in the world.

 Price of course is $295

  • Understanding How Chlorine Dioxide Works

  • Discover many useful Applications

  • Pricing, marketing, and 90 day Action Plan

  • How to solve any type of job

  • Fifty pages of information, videos, and facts

Avoid Mistakes, Get Results

It’s a tough call, but we see many great virtues with chlorine dioxide that actually outperform ozone. BTW, not all chlorine dioxide is the same. pH, composition, and purity makes a lot of difference,

If you are Serious … I’d like to talk with you personally as we are building a national network of professional services, and our national footprint and marketing can help you succeed in just 90 days or less.

... $295 USD