Ozone Generator Review

For any truly transparent ozone generator builder in this highly-competitive market, the National Ozone Association is prepared to offer a free, unbiased review of your equipment. We judge on design, safety, durability, repairability, and claims made by the manufacturer. Below are some of the initial reviews of ozone test equipment, ozone generators, and ozone-related products.

All Ozone offers a quality ozone generator that is priced right, is easily repaired, and produces ozone very well. There is a lot that convinces NOAI that the 20G Maxx is one of the best machines on the market. As many of you know, NOAI strongly advises that “Less is More” rather than the brute force brag of ozone generator promoters.

So, do you need a 40,000, 60,000, or 100,000 mg/hr ozone generator? 95% of the time, the answer is a resounding “No”. The 5% are the services treating hoarder homes, death scene odors, or major mold problems. The rest of the services need to consider using one or more of the 20G Maxx ozone generators. Here’s why:

  1. Scalable solution: One big ozone generator is like bringing a a tank wherever you go. Jobs vary greatly, so you’re better of with 3-5 of the 20G units to apply the right amount of ozone as needed. And, you can do multiple jobs at one time. One service working for a property management company will be asked to do 5-6 jobs in a day. Multiple units were the perfect solution.

  2. Ozone Distribution: A large ozone generator sits in one spot. To effectively treat all areas of the house, fans must be added to push the ozone from that center point. Conversely, 3-4 of the 20G units can be strategically placed in the building for a more even application.

  3. Weight and Repair: Frankly, four 20G units are a lot easier to transport than a bulky 40 lb unit. Also, if your big ozone generator needs repair, you’re out of business until you can send it in and get it back. If one smaller unit fairs, your business is still operational until the fix is made. Plus the 20G units are actually field reparable.

  4. Avoid Over-treatment: NOAI receives numerous complaints throughout the year of ozone treatments gone bad. The problem is the over-zealous and mistaken advice of promoters who believe that there is no such thing as too much ozone. The ozone smell can embed into a house or building if the treatment is overpowering. Use the 20G program with probiotics post-treatment to deliver a better result than following the advice to overpower indoor air issues.

NOAI has expanded its training to include various forms of oxidation and even the use of eco-safe digestive media. Ozone service providers are advised to not jump from ozone to other chemicals that can also pollute the air. Liquid oxidizers can be delivered in a fogging process for the extra power a tough job may require.

We also like probiotic sprays that use a natural, eco-friendly solution to reach down to the source of the problem. For those looking to grow a professional ozone remediation service, take a look at the Certified Ozone Technician course as the best starting point. Read More


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